My website

Or how to get yours

Here we are, looking for online visibility. How does one set that up quickly when starting from scratch? Do you Remember those HTML courses? Yeah me neither. But fortunately for us it is now easier than ever!

We will discuss in this post how to create our own website with the Hugo framework from a template and how to deploy it to GitHub. The prerequisites are,

  • GitHub
  • markdown
  • LXD (optional)

You may find GitHub tutorials here and there. Pages of our website will be written in markdown. You can learn more about markdown from those tutorials, in English and in French. And if you only need a brief refresh, here is the syntax supported by our website. Finally, you can find a LXD tutorial here.

Now, let us set up the necessary stuff to get started, shall we?

Picking a website template

To build our website, we will use the framework Hugo. It is very convenient for our use case because it comes with a ton of predefined website themes and it is very simple to use.

For the purpose of this tutorial we will use the very theme of this website, namely, Academic. This theme is rather clean, well organized, fairly simple to use and most importantly it is well documented! Furthermore, it can be found pre-bundled in a Hugo project so that it is pretty much clone and play. However, at the time of writing, this theme requires Hugo *Extended* version 0.67+. This distinction is important because, while it is conveniently packaged as a snap, the snap only offers the classic version, not the Extended. Therefore we have to fetch its debian package and install it manually.

First, let us clone the ready-to-go Academic bundle on our machine:

cd ~/
git clone my_website
cd my_website
git submodule update --init --recursive

Prepping the tools

To avoid polluting our system, we will set up a Linux container in which we will install Hugo Extended. The container is totally optional and you can do the installation directly on your machine. If you do not wish to use a container, skip directly to Hugo installation

Setting up the LXC

Let us start a fresh and pull a new Ubuntu 18.04 instance,

lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 hugo

We will now mount a disk device to share the website source code between our machine and the container:

lxc config device add hugo workspace disk source=~/my_website path=/home/ubuntu/my_website
lxc config set hugo raw.idmap "both $(id -u) $(id -g)"
lxc restart hugo

The default installation of LXD set up a bridged network so that containers live behind a NAT on the host. Therefore, we have to forward the port on which our website is served by the Hugo framework. To do so, issue the following command:

lxc config device add hugo proxy1313 proxy connect=tcp: listen=tcp:

The container is all set up. We can log to it with:

lxc exec hugo -- su --login ubuntu

Installing Hugo

We will download the Hugo extended debian directly from it GitHub repository. To do so, enter in the terminal:


At the time of writing, the latest Hugo Extended release is version 0.70.0.

We can now install it with:

sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_*.deb

First view of our website

Let the show begin. We are now ready to spawn our website and browse it. In a terminal, enter:

cd ~/my_website
hugo server


The website it up and running! To visualize it, open your web browser at the address http://localhost:1313. That was easy right?

Making the website your own

We have a great template up and running, it is now time to make it our own. The Academic theme comes with a ton of options and configurations allowing us to truly personalize it to our liking and use case. And since its online documentation is so great, I will let you discovers by yourself all the possibilities the theme offers. Head down to the Academic get started documentation and have fun!

Just a quick advice, as you edit your website, let Hugo run. It is able to update the website live so that you see your changes take effect immediately in your web browser!

Deploying the website to GitHub

Once our website is ready to be made public, all there is to do is to push it to GitHub. Well, almost.

In your GitHub account, we will create a repository to host your website. To do so hit the tiny cross (+) in the top-right of GitHub and select new repository. For GitHub to be able to figure out that this particular repository is your personal website we need to give it a specific name in the form : <your-github-user-name>

We will now prepare to push the website to this repository.

First we will add the GitHub repository we just created as our remote,

git add remote origin<your-github-user-name>/<your-github-user-name>

and change our branch name to avoid later mess,

git branch -m master builder

Here comes the final step before pushing to GitHub. We must build our website, or rather let Hugo do it for us. Indeed so far we have edited the template that Hugo uses to build the website. We have visualized it in our browser but the template cannot be deployed directly to GitHub, it must be built. To build it locally, nothing easier, simply run:


You will notice a new folder named public in our project. It contains the generated website. It is this content that we must push to our repository. Furthermore, it must be pushed specifically to the master branch. That’s a limitation of personal website on GitHub.

Automatic deployment

So how could we automatize this build and deploy process?

We will add a small script so that every times we push some new content on the builder branch, GitHub will take care of calling Hugo (building) and moving the public folder directly on the master branch (deploying).

For that, we will use GitHub actions and more specifically the actions-hugo. Sorry buddy but I’ll skip the details about actons here as it is all new to me as well. That could be the topic for a later post tho.

We will simply create a new file in our project to configure the action:

cd ~/my_website
touch .github/workflows/deploy-website.yml

which we will edit as follows:

name: deploy website

# We will run the actions whenever something
# is pushed to the branch 'builder'
      - builder


  # Our action is called 'deploy' and runs on Ubuntu 18.04
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04

    # The action executes the following steps

      # It fetch our repository and its submodules
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes
          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod

      # It then set up Hugo Extended
      - name: Setup Hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
          hugo-version: '0.68.3'
          extended: true

      # It runs Hugo to generate the website
      - name: Build
        run: hugo --minify

      # It copies the content of the 'public' folder to the branch 'master'
      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./public
          publish_branch: master

With our automatic deployment configured, all there remains to do is to push to GitHub!

Let us remove the ‘public’ folder is it exists,

cd ~/my_website
rm -r public

and commit all of our changes,

git add .
git commit 'made the website my own'

Finally, we push the changes upstream,

git push origin builder


After a couple minutes your website is now available at the address:


Congrats on your new online visibility, our job here is done.

Bonus: Academic publications

If you happen to have some academic publications that you would like to showcase on your website, we will install a Python tool called academic that will help us to automatically generate pages from Bibtex.

First we will install pip3:

apt install python3-pip

to then install academic:

pip3 install -U academic

Given that we have a .bib file that contains all of our publications, we can generate the pages as follows:

cd ~/my_website
academic import --bibtex <path_to_your/publications.bib>

You can find more information in the Academic theme documentation.

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