Building the documentation

We detail here how to build the documentation locally. The overall documentation relies on two tools, namely Doxygen and m.css. The former is mainly used to build the C++ API documentation while the former is used to generate the Python API documentation and the overall documentation website.

See how to build each below.


python3 -m pip install jinja2 Pygments
sudo apt install -y doxygen graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat
git clone git://


The C++ API documentation relies only on Doxygen. If you are fine with the antiquated look of a Doxygen-based website, here is how to build it.

First let's make sure doxygen is installed,

apt install -y doxygen

Let us now build to doc,

cd manif/docs
doxygen Doxyfile

You can now explore the website by opening the file manif/docs/html/index.html in your web browser.

Python API

cd manif/docs
python3 ~/path/to/m.css/documentation/

Building the website

cd manif/docs
mkdir -p site/cpp
python3 ~/path/to/m.css/documentation/
python3 ~/path/to/m.css/documentation/
python3 ~/path/to/m.css/documentation/